Welcome, and introductions
Hi there, and welcome to my blog.
My name is Dan Segal (not like the bird), I’m a developer & engineering manager living and working in beatiful, scenic Cleveland, OH. I’m a photographer (weird concert photography here & travel/ portraits/ dogs here), an occasional cyclist, weirdly into motorsports these days, and overall a big fan of being fully invested in a different hobby every other week.
I started this blog in the year of the plague 2020 to bring a bit of focus to these hobby projects, and as an exercise in being less precious about them. I resisted getting an Instagram for years when I was finding my way in photography. I preferred spending hours on editing each photograph and when I was done quietly filing them away on a harddrive, worried of what the scrutiny of the outside world would reveal in them. Taking that leap to posting my work and being able to look at it as a whole was incredibly helpful in developing my voice and style as a photographer so I’m hoping that having this blog will do similar for my technical abilities.
If you’re here and reading this, thanks for stopping by! I don’t have any real strategy for what types of things I’ll be writing about but if any of them catch your eye I’d love to hear about it.